AWAY AT SCHOOL Umpire Clinics

The Inter-Athletic Council of Officials (IACO), Metro-Chicago is hosting two Away at School Umpire Clinics. This Umpires Clinic is intended for umpires who are out of the area due to school or job commitments and are unable to attend a regular Umpires Clinic. We...

2017 IACO Umpire Clinics

The Inter-Athletic Council of Officials (IACO), Metro-Chicago is again hosting Beginning Umpires Clinics. This is a Beginning Umpires Clinic designed for new Umpires with little or no experience or for umpires registered for several years and have not attended a...

2016 IACO Umpire Clinics

The Level 1 Umpire Clinic prepares the participant to survive officiating the first 10 high school baseball/softball games. The course includes classroom instruction on the rules of the high school baseball/softball game and appropriate officiating mechanics....

2015 New Officials Umpire Class

Basic Umpire School prepares the participant to survive officiating the first 10 high school baseball/softball games. The 5 week course includes classroom instruction on the rules of the high school baseball/softball game and appropriate officiating mechanics....

IACO New Umpire Training Class

Starting Monday January 28 for 5 weeks at the Mundelein Park District The New Officials Umpire Class prepares the participant to survive officiating the first 10 high school softball/baseball games. The 5 week course includes classroom instruction on the rules of the...