Local Associations

Athletic Officials Association
Web site: athletic-officials.com
Contact: Ted J. Lepucki – lepuckited [at] aol [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball

Athletic Officials Service
Web site: aosweb.org
Contact: Jeffrey P. Curtin – j-curtin [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Sports: Basketball, Football

BBY Sports Academy
Web site: bbysports.com
Contact: Obaseki Che’menju – ochemenju1 [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Basketball, Football

Central Officials Association
Web site: coaofficials.com
Contact: Jim Sheridan – jpref [at] aol [dot] com
Sports: Basketball, Football

Chicago Catholic Umpire Association
Contact: Paul Rybarczyk – parbrbrave [at] hotmail [dot] com
Sports: Baseball

Chicago Road Officials Association
Contact: P. William Vogeler – ump [dot] bv57 [at] mchsi [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Softball, Soccer, Volleyball

Chicagoland Basketball Officials
Contact: John Messaglia – jmessaglia [at] larsoncompany [dot] com
Sports: Basketball

Dupage Officials Association
Web site: dupageofficials.com
Contact: Jack Long – jack [dot] long [at] lpl [dot] com
Sports: Football

Elgin Area Officials Association
Web site: eaoaonline.com
Contact: John R. Vito – eaoatreas [at] gmail [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball, Volleyball, LAB

Far West Suburban Basketball Officials Association
Web site: fwsboa.com
Contact: Mark G. Horton – mhorton [at] oswegoil [dot] org
Sports: Basketball

Fox Valley Blues Umpires Association
Web site: fvbumpire.com
Contact: Jeff Collis – fvb9 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Softball

Fox Valley Football Officials Association
Web site: fvfo.org
Contact: Thomas A. Pelletier – tddddp [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Football

Girls Catholic Athletic Conference Association
Contact: Tim Dryer – tjd50 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Sports: Basketball

Great Lakes Lacrosse Officials Association
Web site: glloa.com
Contact: Craig A Peterson – craig [dot] peterson [at] glloa [dot] com
Sports: LAB

Great Lakes Officials Association
Web site: mygloa.com
Contact: Craig Ebel – ebelce1 [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball, Wrestling

Illinois Officials Association
Web site: ilofficials.com
Contact: Jordan Cohen – jordan [at] ilofficisls [dot] com
Sports: Baseball

Illniois Women’s Lacrosse Umpiring Board
Web site: iwlub.org
Contact: Robert S Moser – illinoisumpiringboard [at] gmail [dot] com
Sports: LG

Inter-Association Council of Officials
Contact: Richard Klein – rmbkchi [at] yahoo [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball

Joliet Officials Association
Web site: jolietofficials.org
Contact: Bob Horvath – bobhorvath2013 [at] gmail [dot] com
Sports: Basketball, Football, Volleyball

Metropolitan Officials Association
Web site: chicagomoa.org
Contact: Milton Stennis – milt56 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Sports: Basketball, Football, Softball, Volleyball

Northern Illinois Football Officials Association
Web site: nifoa.net
Contact: Jeff Carr – jwcarr4826 [at] aol [dot] com
Sports: Football

Northern Officials Association
Web site: noaofficials.org
Contact: Gerard V. Blum – jerry [dot] blum [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Basketball, Football

Rock Valley Officials Association
Web site: rvofficials.com
Contact: Peter E. Ducato – peteducato [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Football, Baseball, Softball, LB, LG

South Suburbs Officials Association
Web site: il-ssoa.com
Contact: Cherie McWherter – cherbear29 [at] sbcglobal [dot] net
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball, Volleyball

Suburban Basketball Officials Association
Contact: Tom Huster – thuster [at] industryrailway [dot] com
Sports: Basketball

Suburban Umpires Association
Web site: suburbanumpires.com
Contact: Carl Berns – sua [at] suburbanumpires [dot] com
Sports: Baseball, Softball, Volleyball

Umpires Protective Association of Chicago
Web site: upac.us
Contact: Douglas McLaughlin – upac1918 [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Softball

Web site: umps.org
Contact: Jeff Siegel – siegel [at] umps [dot] org
Sports: Baseball

Western Basketball Officials Association
Web site: wboaref.com
Contact: Steve Halberg – golfdesigner [at] hotmail [dot] com
Sports: Basketball

White Pines Officials Association
Contact: David C. Minnick – dcmvlm [at] comcast [dot] net
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Softball, Wrestling

Woodfield Officials Group
Contact: Timothy W. Gillespie
Sports: Baseball, Football, Basketball, Softball